After the careful examination by the program committee members, we would like to award a prize to following young researchers for their outstanding presentations at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan.

プログラム委員による厳正なる審査の結果、第22回 日本RNA学会年会において、以下の皆様は極めて優秀な研究発表、プレゼンテーションを行ったと判断されました。よってその功績をたたえ、ここに表彰いたします。



O-01 Mai Maeda(The University of Tokyo)/ 前田 麻衣(東京大学)
Title:Single molecule analysis and profiling of tRNAs by direct nanopore sequencing
O-53 Ka Man Tse(Kyoto University / 京都大学)
Title:Manipulation of Regnase-1 mRNA stability by morpholino-based antisense oligonucleotides alleviates inflammatory responses in pulmonary and autoimmune diseases


P-18 Ten D. Li(Keio University)/ 李 典(慶應義塾大学)
Title:Inhibition of LINE-1 retrotransposition by TDP-43 during embryogenesis

●EMBO Reports AWARD 

P-13  Emi Miyashita(Kyoto University)/ 宮下 映見(京都大学)
Title:Motif-MaP detects RNA higher-order structures by mutational profiling using target-binding small molecules

●Excellent Research AWARD / 優秀賞

O-18 Sihan Li(Tohoku University)/ 李 思涵(東北大学)
Title:Sensing of Individual Stalled 80S Ribosomes by Fap1 for Non-functional rRNA Turnover
O-22 Sonomi Yamaguchi(The University of Tokyo)/ 山口 そのみ(東京大学)
Title:Structure of a Dicer-2-R2D2-siRNA complex
O-35 Masahiro C. Miura(Keio University)/ 三浦 昌浩(慶應義塾大学)
Title:Comprehensive Sequence Analysis Reveals Distinct Expansion Profiles of Group II Introns in Prokaryotes
O-45 Christelle Alexa Garcia Perez (Osaka University / 大阪大学)
Title:Sense-overlapping lncRNA as a decoy of translational repressor protein for dimorphic gene expression
P-02 Naho Akiyama(The University of Tokyo)/  秋山 奈穂(東京大学)
Title:Structural insights into the function of tRNA anticodon modifications during decoding
P-10 Jue JU(The University of Tokyo / 東京大学)
Title:Structural and biochemical study of C. elegans METT-10
P-27 Toyotaka Yoshida(The University of Tokyo)/吉田 豊珍(東京大学)
Title:Stimulus-dependent regulation of microRNA biogenesis by ADAR1
P-83 Shigetoshi Kameda(Kyoto University)/ 亀田 重賢(京都大学)
Title:Programmable synthetic circular mRNA devices that can improve stability and gene expression persistence


Akio KANAI, Main Organizer, the 22nd Annual Meeting of the RNA Society of Japan
第22回日本RNA学会年会長  金井昭夫(慶應義塾大学)